TarrLab Stimuli - Collections of pictures of familiar and novel objects, faces and geons. - http://alpha.cog.brown.edu:8200/stimuli
Psychophysics Toolbox - Software allows the use of Matlab to do vision research. - http://psychtoolbox.org/
Causal and Statistical Reasoning - Software and information for exploring perceptions of causality. - http://www.phil.cmu.edu/projects/csr/
VIAT - A Windows program for demonstrating visual-attention phenomena (freeware) - http://www.uni-konstanz.de/FuF/SozWiss/fg-psy/ag-kog/viat.htm
Life Science Associates - Publisher of psychology software offering programs for cognitive rehabilitation. - http://lifesciassoc.home.pipeline.com/
MLPest, PsychoFit, etc. - Free software (Win/Mac) for analyzing psychophyisical data. By Lewis O. Harvey, Jr. - http://psych.colorado.edu/~lharvey/
COGENT - A graphical environment for cognitive modeling. Free for the moment, and available for PC and Unix. Developed by Rick Cooper, John Fox and others. - http://cogent.psyc.bbk.ac.uk/