Ancient Echoes Interpretive Centre - Highlights Aboriginal culture, archaeology, paleontology, and prairie ecology. Includes photographs of four petroglyphs on dolomite boulders. -
Arctic Fieldwork - Doing Fieldwork in the Arctic and Baffin Island. -
L'Anse aux Meadows - A guide from Parks Canada to this National Historic Site, with reconstructions of three Norse buildings. History with bibliography, visitor information, picture gallery and virtual tour. -
Homes of the Past: An Iroquoian Longhouse - Explore an Iroquoian village with The Royal Ontario Museum. Reconstruction drawings and model built from the features of a longhouse unearthed by archaeologists, history and description. -
DNA tests debunk blond Inuit legend - From CBA, Two Icelandic scientists have shot holes in the theory of the missing Norse tribes of the Arctic. -
Ska-Nah-Doht - Reconstructed Iroquoian Village and Museum in Longwoods Road Conservation Area, Middlesex County. -
Bog People Exhibit 'Disrespectful,' Critic Says - From Globe and Mail, head of Canada's top arts lobby group is upset at the inclusion of mummified corpses from Europe in a current exhibition at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. -
Thule Archaeological Sites - Information and images of ancient Thule tools and lodging. The Thule are the ancestors to the modern day Arctic Inuit. -
Namu: A Pictoral Gallery - An overview of the history and prehistory of Namu are presented in this pictoral gallery by the Department of Archaeology at Simon Fraser University. -
Archaeology in Arctic North America - Provides a glimpse of archaeological research in this region and its results, focusing principally on the Canadian Arctic -