Canadian Archaeological Conference 2004 - Archaeology at the Crossroads. 12 to 16 May 2004 at the Sheraton Hotel. Organized by the University of Manitoba. -
SIA 2003 - Society for Industrial Archaeology - 32nd annual conference theme is "A Continental and Trans-Oceanic Turntable, 1850-2000". Conference held in May 2003 in Montreal, Canada. -
ASOR 2002 - American Schools of Oriental Research - Annual meeting featured three full days of lectures on Middle Eastern archaeology. Held on November 20-24, 2002, in Toronto, Canada. -
Towards a More Ethical Mayanist Archaeology Symposium 2002 - The theme of this symposium involves the ethics of archaeology practiced in the Maya region of Mexico and northern Central America concerning its impact on living Maya peoples. November 14-17, 2002 at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. -
Current and Future Directions in Canadian Archaeology - Canadian Archaeological Association 36th Annual Conference, 7-10 May 2003 at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. -