Archaeological Landscapes in Costa Rica's Cartago Valley - Photographic evidence of the impact of urban growth on archaeological resources was an unforeseen sidelight of a project to relocate a site excavated one hundred years ago near the city of Cartago. -
Prehistoric Footpaths In Costa Rica Indicate Intimate Ties With Villages, Cemeteries - From ScienceDaily, findings by the University of Colorado at Boulder indicate tiny footpaths traveled by Costa Rican people 1,500 years ago were precursors to wide, deep and ritualistic roadways 500 years later leading to and from cemeteries and villages. -
Prehistoric Human Footpaths Lure Archaeologists Back To Costa Rica - From Science Daily, ancient, buried footpaths visible from satellite instruments but invisible on the ground to be studied in Costa Rica this summer after a 20-year hiatus by University of Colorado at Boulder and NASA archaeologists. -