Fisher, Christopher T. - Profile and curriculum vitae of this Colorado State University Assistant Professor. Research interests include Mesoamerican archaeology , human landscape impacts, landscape archaeology, and intensification -
Healy, Paul F. - Detailed profile of this Trent University Professor. Research interests include Mesoamerican archaeology, especially the culture history of the ancient Maya. -
Iannone, Gyles - Brief profile of this Trent University Assistant Professor. Research interests include social complexity, Archaic States (comparative), Mesoamerica (particularly Maya) and New World archaeology. -
Lesure, Richard - Brief profile of this University of California, Los Angeles, Assistant Professor. Research interests include sociopolitical dynamics and the origin of social inequality in Mesoamerica. -
Foias, Antonia - Brief profile of this Williams College Assistant Professor. Research interests in archaeology include: cultural evolution, ceramic analysis, pottery production and exchange, archaeometry, and Mesoamerica/South America. -
Hoopes, John W. - Curriculum vitae of this University of Kansas Associate Professor. Research interests include the archaeology of Central and South America, Maya civilization and cultural evolution. -
Pohl, Mary Deland - Brief profile of this Florida State University Professor. Research interests include Mesoamerican archaeology, and ethnozoology gender studies. -
Hammond, Norman - Profile of this Boston University Professor. Research interests include the emergence and decline of complex societies, exchange, the Maya lowlands, and the history of archaeology. -
McAnany, Patricia A. - Profile of this Boston University Associate Professor. Research interests include the genesis of ancestor veneration and related questions involving the structure and economic integration of small-scale state polities in the Maya lowlands. -
An Analysis of the Career of Kent Flannery - Biography and bibliography by Mary Anne MarDock of this professor at the University of Michigan whose work focuses on the rise of the Zapotec civilization and its predecessors. -
Morales, Katherine - Research interest in Mesoamerican archaeology and distance education. University of Florida. -
Simmons, Scott E. - Internet site for this University of North Carolina Assistant Professor. Research interests include craft specialization in Mesoamerica, especially Maya metallurgy, and Plantation archaeology in the SE United States. -
Joyce, Rosemary - Brief profile of this University of California, Berkeley Associate Professor. Research interests include a compositional analysis of obsidian tools from Puerto Escondido, Honduras. -
Hasseman, George Ernest (1944-1999) - Obituary published in the Society for American Archaeology newsletter. Head of the Archaeology Section of the Instituto Hondureño de Antro-pología e Historia (IHAH). -
MacNeish, Richard - A biography of this archaeologist known for excavations at Tehuacan. Written by a University of Texas archaeology student. -
Palka, Joel - Profile of this University of Illinois Chicago Assistant Professor. Research interests include ancient Maya social differentiation, settlement archaeology, and the collapse of Maya civilization. -
LeCount, Lisa - Detailed profile of this University of Alabama Associate Professor. Research interests include the complex relationships between wealth, social status, and political power in ancient state-level societies at the Late to Terminal Classic (A.D. 700 - 1000) -
Diehl, Richard A. - Profile of this University of Alabama Professor. Research interests include preColumbian cultures of central Mexico and the Olmec culture of the tropical lowlands of the Mexican Gulf coast. -
Parsons, Jeffery R. - Brief profile of this University of Michigan Professor. Research interests include ethnohistorical-ethnographic-archaeological interfaces in Mesoamerica and the Central Andes. -
Marcus, Joyce - Brief profile of this University of Michigan Professor. Research interests include the origins of ranking and stratification. -
Wilk, Richard - Resume of this Indiana University Professor. Research interests include household archaeology and Mesoamerica. -
Hendon, Julia A. - Curriculum vitae of Gettysburg College Assistant Professor. Research interests include Mesoamerica and gender issues. -
Card, Jeb J. - Curriculum vitae of this Tulane University PhD student. Research interests include historical archaeology in Mesoamerica. -
Bruhns, Karen Olsen - Curriculum vitae of this San Francisco State University Professor. Research interests include the archaeology of Mesoamerica. -