Publications of Daniel Moonhawk Alford - Assorted publications and postings by this Piute thinker. Covers many aspects of the relationship of culture and language, including the legacy of Whorf and the anthropology of consciousness. -
Language Exploration - Basic concepts, definition of "ethnolinguistics." From Maricopa Community College. -
Philadelphia Papers on Linguistic Anthropology - Assembled papers on this topic from the 1998 meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Various document formats. -
Michicagoan 2000: Histories and Ideologies of Linguistics - Second annual meeting of graduate students from the University of Chicago and the University of Michigan. Schedule, abstracts. -
Linguistic Anthropology at the University of Michigan - Doctoral research program focusing on combining social theory with the analysis of linguistic form. Field description, faculty list, admissions information. -
Topics in Anthropological Linguistics - Concise treatments of various areas of concern in this field, including contact languages and the Whorf hypothesis. -
Concepts and Resources - A site maintained by a faculty member at Emory University, with definitions of selected terms in the field and a list of available resources. -
Early American Anthropological Linguistics - Essay written by Kenneth Pike for the journal American Anthropologist. Contains reminiscences of many leading figures of this field in the early 20th century, such as Edward Sapir. -
Society for Linguistic Anthropology - A special section of the American Anthropological Association. Organizational information and list of contents of the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. -