NSF Anthropology Program - The National Science Foundation's research initiative to promote basic scientific research on the causes and consequences of human social and cultural variation. Features grants and awards information, staff directory, and history of the program. - http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5388&org=BCS&from=home
Council for the Preservation of Anthropological Records - An organization that encourages the preservation and use of research records. Features information on grants and workshops and provides access to the National Guide to Anthropological Records database. - http://copar.asu.edu/
Institute for Anthropological Research - Features current research, an overview of the department and faculty profiles. Also offers links to related sites. Located in Zagreb, Croatia - http://luka.inantro.hr/
California Academy of Sciences - Offers educational exhibits and events. Features research and publications, collection highlights, on-line database of artifacts and information on the Academy's Traditional Arts Program. Located in San Francisco, California. - http://www.calacademy.org/research/anthropology
FAQs for Sci.Anthropology - Frequently asked questions for the Usenet newsgroup. Offers basic information on the field. - http://phaseit.net/claird/sci.anthropology/s.a.FAQ.html
Anthropology Tutorials - Lessons on various topics in cultural and physical anthropology. Includes glossaries, practice quizzes, and lists of related links. - http://anthro.palomar.edu/tutorials/
Center for Human Origin and Cultural Diversity - An outreach program at the University of Missouri-St. Louis that offers instruction to people of all ages in both cultural and physical anthropology. Site features lesson plans and educational resources. - http://chocd.umsl.edu/
National Anthropological Archives - The NAA collects and preserves historical and contemporary anthropological materials that document the world's cultures and the history of anthropology. - http://www.nmnh.si.edu/naa
Anthropological Studies Center - A non-profit center at Sonoma State University dedicated to cultural resources management, education, research, and public service. - http://www.sonoma.edu/projects/ASC/
Human Relations Area Files, Inc. - A non-profit consortium of schools and research institutions collecting and compiling information to facilitate cross-cultural studies in ethnography and archaeology. Features list of publications and subscription information. - http://www.yale.edu/hraf
Anthropological Center for Training - A research group at Indiana University, Bloomington that focuses on the human dimensions of global environment change. Features information on training, an online newsletter, and provides a list of publications. - http://www.indiana.edu/~act/