Elizabethtown College - Features mission statement, faculty profiles and contact details. - http://www.etown.edu/Catalog.aspx?topic=Sociology+-+Program
Edinboro College - Department of History and Anthropology. Features descriptions of degrees offered and contact information. - http://webs.edinboro.edu/departments/history.asp
Franklin and Marshall College - Faculty, major and minor requirements, career prospects, and courses. - http://www.fandm.edu/anthropology.xml
Mansfield University - Offers an undergraduate degree program. Features course descriptions, faculty overviews and contact information. - http://www.mnsfld.edu/~sswanthr/index.html
Lycoming College - Features general information on the program, faculty profiles and links to related sites. Located in Williamsport. - http://www.lycoming.edu/admiss/dept/soc.htm
Lehigh University - Includes Department overview, events and career opportunities. Located in Bethlehem. - http://www.lehigh.edu/~insan/socanth.html
Gettysburg College - Offers an overview of the Department for prospective and current students. Features degree information, faculty profiles and information on career opportunities. - http://www.gettysburg.edu/academics/sociology_anthropology/
Bucknell University - Provides curriculum overview, course descriptions, staff profiles, and links to related sites. Located in Lewisberg. - http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/soc_anthro/
Bryn Mawr College - Features a description of the field of study. Offers description of degree requirements, staff profiles, current research, and newsletter. Located in Bryn Mawr. - http://www.brynmawr.edu/anthropology/
Haverford College - Provides information on degree requirements, list of faculty, courses offered, and contact details. Located in Haverford. - http://www.haverford.edu/anth/antwebpage/welcome.html
University of Pittsburgh - Features undergraduate degree programs and graduate degree programs with a focus on Latin American Archaeology; Medical Anthropology; Ethnicity, Nationalism and the State; and Human Evolutionary Biology. Features current graduate research, recent theses, - http://www.pitt.edu/~pittanth/
University of Pennsylvania - Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Features course information, department directory, and museum and library information. Located in Philadelphia. - http://www.sas.upenn.edu/anthro/
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania - Offers Department profile, instructor information, course listing, and student papers. - http://www.kutztown.edu/academics/liberal_arts/anthropology/
Franklin and Marshall University - Presents a profile of the Department, including course requirements and information on how to contact faculty members. Located in Lancaster. - http://www.fandm.edu/Departments/Anthropology/anthropology.html
Juniata College - Description of the program for current and prospective students. Offers information on curriculum, learning and career opportunities. Located in Huntington. - http://faculty.juniata.edu/wagonerp/
Temple University - Offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the four sub-fields. Features summer and focus programs and faculty biographies. Located in Philadelphia. - http://www.temple.edu/anthro/
Ursinus College - Offers and overview of the Department, curriculum and syllabi, and faculty profiles. Located in Collegeville. - http://webpages.ursinus.edu/anso/
West Chester University - Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Features course catalogs and faculty listing. Located in West Chester. - http://www.wcupa.edu/_ACADEMICS/sch_cas.ant/
Albright College - Features information on degree requirements, courses offered and contact details. Located in Reading. - http://www.albright.edu/academics/depts/soc-anthro.html