Principles of Plasma Spectroscopy - Hans R. Griem. This is a comprehensive description of the theoretical foundations and experimental applications of spectroscopic methods in plasma research. It introduces the classical and quantum theory of radiation, detailed descriptions of line strengt -
Principles of Plasma Diagnostics - I. A. Hutchison. Principles of Plasma Diagnostics is the most modern and comprehensive book in its field. It joins for the first time a body of knowledge previously scattered throughout scientific literature. The text is based on first-principles developm -
RF Plasma Heating in Toroidal Fusion Devices - V E Golant. Translation from the Russian. Provides an overview of the methods for RF heating of plasmas in toroidal fusion experiments. Topics covered include the interaction of electromagnetic waves with plasmas; electron cyclotron, ion cyclotron, lower -
Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing - M. Lieberman and A. Lichtemberg. This book discusses the fundamental principles of partially ionized, chemically reactive plasma discharges and their use in thin-film processing among other applications. -