Wallpaper Groups - Images and descriptions of the 17 plane symmetry groups. - http://www.clarku.edu/~djoyce/wallpaper/
Java Kali - A program for drawing symmetrical patterns based on any of the 17 wallpaper groups, as well as several frieze and rosette groups. - http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/java/Kali/
KaleidoTile - Software for Macintosh and SGI to create and manipulate tessellations of the sphere, Euclidean plane and hyperbolic plane, and to see how the Platonic solids are related to tessellations. - http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/software/download/KaleidoTile.html
References about Tessellations - Compiled by Doris Schattschneider, Moravian College. - http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/software/tilings/TilingBibliography.html
Frieze Patterns - Definitions and images. - http://plato.acadiau.ca/courses/educ/reid/Geometry/Symmetry/frieze.html
Landry Art - Art of Kenneth Landry. Tessellations, polyhedra and polyhedra decorated with tessellations. - http://www.landryart.com/
Tessellation and Photography - A study for the endless possibilities of tessellating the plane based on the work of Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher. - http://members.home.nl/wouternimmo
William's Geometric Construction Page - Activities to create patterns using simple resources, such as making equilateral triangle from a circle. Suitable for upper primary and lower secondary ages. - http://www.cyffredin.co.uk/
Penrose Tiles - Links in the Geometry Junkyard. - http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/penrose.html
Tessellation Tutorials by Suzanne Alejandre - Tutorials and templates for making tessellations using ClarisWorks, the Geometer's Sketchpad, HyperCard, HyperStudio, and straightedge and compass, including step-by-step instructions for classroom activities. - http://mathforum.org/sum95/suzanne/tess.intro.html
Hans Kuiper - Hans Kuiper's work. Tessellations and optical art. Also tessellation software with the 17 wallpaper groups. - http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/Hans.Kuiper/
Tilings and Geometric Ornament - Applying principles of computer graphics to the creation of geometric ornament, as a continuation of the tradition of ornamental design using modern tools and algorithms. - http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/csk/tile/
Symmetry and the Shape of Space - With interactive demos using Geometer's Sketchpad (requires Macintosh). - http://comp.uark.edu/~cgstraus/symmetry.unit/
Catalogue of Isohedral Tilings - From the article "One Corona is Enough for the Euclidean Plane" by Doris Schattschneider and Nikolai Dolbilin. - http://mathforum.org/dynamic/one-corona/
Quasi-Periodic Tilings - Artist Eleni Mylonas uses tilings. - http://www.elenimylonas.com/
Mike Field - University of Houston. Graphics and resources in symmetry and tiling. - http://nothung.math.uh.edu/~mike/
Gallery of Symmetric Chaos - Includes: Symmetric icons and fractals; Quilts and planar repeating patterns; Colored wallpaper patterns. - http://nothung.math.uh.edu/~mike/ag/art.html
Chaos Tiles - This chaotic tiling consists of two equilateral pentagons, with angles (80, 160, 60, 140, 100) and (40, 200, 60, 100, 140). Sets are for sale. - http://www.mathpuzzle.com/chaotile.html
Tessellations - A company selling foam puzzles, many based on planar tessellations (tilings) and fractals. - http://www.tessellations.com/
Tiling Plain and Fancy - Tiling from the mathematical and historical viewpoint by Steve Edwards. Provides a number of examples of various types of tiles that tile the plane and includes periodic tiling plus Penrose's aperiodic tiles. - http://www2.spsu.edu/math/tile/
The Seventeen Wallpaper Groups - Examples in traditional Japanese patterns. - http://mathmuse.sci.ibaraki.ac.jp/pattrn/PatternE.html
Tessellations with Java - Examples and source code. - http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/~rkrane/tessell.html
Hyperbolic Tessellations - Explanations and graphics. - http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/poincare/poincare.html
The Penrose Tiling at Miami University - A summary of the history behind the Penrose tiling in the math department at Miami university. - http://www.lib.muohio.edu/epub/tilings/doc.html
Totally Tessellated - An introduction to tessellations explaining the basic underlying mathematics, and with many examples from real life. - http://library.thinkquest.org/16661/
Tessellation Links - Compiled by Suzanne Alejandre for the Math Forum. - http://mathforum.org/sum95/suzanne/links.html
Artlandia SymmetryWorks - Adobe Illustrator plug-in that automates creation of surface designs and ornaments based on seventeen wallpaper groups. On-line purchase. - http://www.artlandia.com/SymmetryWorks