Polygons, Polyhedra, Polytopes
- Regular, rectified, and truncated polytopes with normal and hidden-detail-removed projections. Images, animations, and links.
- http://home.inreach.com/rtowle/Polytopes/polytope.html
Pick's Theorem - Describes a theorem for finding an area of simple lattice polygons. Includes proof and Java applet simulation. - http://www.cut-the-knot.org/ctk/Pick.shtml
Sliceform Models by John Sharp - Three-dimensional objects constructed by slotting together a series of planar cross sections made from card. Downloadable templates in PDF, PS and Word formats. - http://www.mathsyear2000.co.uk/explorer/slice/
Zome Edu - Educational toys used to teach geometry and model building to create squares, spheres, stars and other regular shapes with sticks and connecting pieces. Products include kits and lesson plans. - http://www.zometool.com/educators.html
Regular Polytopes - Derivation of volume equations for regular polygons, polyhedra, and polytopes, with images. - http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~erowland/polygons.html
Guy's Polyhedra Pages - Vertex figures, filling, faceting diagrams, stellation, defining polytopes through generators, trimethoric and trisynaptic polyhedra, space-filling polyhedra, lost stellations of the icosahedron, and links. - http://www.queenhill.demon.co.uk/polyhedra/
The Charged Particles Model - Polytopes and optimal packing of p points in n dimensional spheres. Contains a java applet based on a model which allows for generation of multidimensional regular and semi-regular polytopes. - http://presh.com/hovinga
The Geometry Junkyard - Comprehensive list of links to sites on geometric properties of the shapes. - http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/polytope.html
The Mathematical Atlas - Polytopes and Polyhedra - Collection of discussions regarding volume, vertices, dissection, g-holed tori, and other subjects. - http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/index/52BXX.html