USGS: Latest Quake Info - Northern California - Real-time maps with topography and fault names, measured ground motion and shaking intensity. Also has hazards forecasts, seismogram displays, and an index of important past earthquakes. -
Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Data Center - The data center maintains a searchable archive of earthquake data for research in seismology and earthquake engineering. Includes general information, clickable fault maps, stations and instrumentation, and educational resources. -
USGS Pasadena CA Field Office - Real-time information and archives of past earthquakes and seismic hazards in Southern California, plus preparedness, research and monitoring. -
Seismic Hazard Zonation Program - Map index designed to assist cities and counties in protecting the public safety from the effects of earthquake-triggered ground failure. Issued by the California Department of Conservation. -
The Daly City Earthquake of 1957 - Describes the Daly City (California) Earthquake of 1957, including eyewitness reports and a WAV sound recording. -
Latest California Seismic Events - Earthquake map for California, including recent earthquake magnitude, depth, and location information. Updated every minute. -
The Next Big Earthquake - Informational pamphlet about San Francisco Bay Area earthquakes. -
Hayward Fault Tour - This photographic tour follows the Hayward fault, picturing some of the most easily recognized surface features, progressing from Fremont to San Pablo Bay, California. -
Museum of the City of San Francisco - History museum site features several exhibits about historical San Francisco earthquakes. Includes a collection of newspaper clippings, police reports, eyewitness accounts and photos. -
Redwood City (California) Public Seismic Network - Earthquake data files, links to other Public Seismic Network sites around the world, links to other sources of on-line information on seismology, seismic equipment, and earthquakes. -