Recent Earthquakes in the Intermountain West - Clickable map with recent earthquakes, location and magnitude, with special reports for Utah and Yellowstone National Park. -
Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada - An interactive map with reports on recent earthquakes, including epicenter location, depth and magnitude. -
Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN) - Clickable map of recent earthquakes, with magnitude and location info. Includes special reports on Mount St. Helens and the Seattle region. -
US Geological Survey - Recent Earthquakes in Hawaii - Browse a list of the recent earthquakes occurred in Hawaii. Contains the magnitude, date, epicentral localization, maps, and wave forms. -
Earthquakes in Wyoming - Online database of earthquakes in Wyoming allows for searching by date and from map display of quake epicenters. Damaging earthquakes can occur anywhere in the state -- the largest magnitudes are in western Wyoming and the Yellowstone area. -