Association of Canada Lands Surveyors - A federally enacted professional Association with members located across Canada who have expertise in surveying, photogrammetry, remote sensing, geodesy, hydrography and land information systems. -
ACEC - Council of Professional Surveyors - Provides business practice information to surveying firms and advocacy for the interests of surveying firms based in Washington, D.C. -
American Surveyors & Mappers Council - The competency maintenance organization dedicated to enhancing public safety and trust in the profession of land surveying and mapping, based in the Tampa Bay area. -
Natural Resources Canada - Legal Surveys Division - Legal Surveys Division supports the operation of the federal and territorial property rights systems on Canada Lands. -
Saskatchewan Land Surveyors Association - The organization that licenses and regulates the profession of land surveying in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada. -
FIG Tree International Federation of Surveyors - An international, non-government organisation whose purpose is to support international collaboration for the progress of surveying in all fields and applications based in Denmark. -
ICSM- The Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping - Representatives from all the Australian States, Territories, and the Commonwealth and New Zealand responsible for government surveying and mapping functions in their jurisdiction based in Australia. -
The New Zealand Institute of Surveyors - The Institute is concerned with the professional and ethical conduct of surveyors in New Zealand. -
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, New England Section - Chartered as a local section of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping , with jurisdiction over the New England states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. -
The Institution of Surveyors, Australia - The professional organisation representing Australian surveying, land information and spatial information professionals, or spatial scientists. -
ALTA- American Land Title Association - The national trade association and voice of the abstract and title insurance industry based in Washington, D.C. -