Geomatics Business Park - A business and science office park for companies operating in the field of remote sensing, and associated technologies. Located near the Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) in Flevoland, The Netherlands. -
Society of Cartographers - Membership is widely drawn from the education sector, statutory institutions, local authorities, public utilities and the commercial and publishing industry. -
Americas Petroleum Survey Group - A professional organization of global positioning experts from the petroleum industry. Site offers advice and information about GPS, geodetic datums, map projection, and other aspects of location technology. -
Canadian Institute of Geomatics - Professional association for the "discipline aimed at managing geographic data by means of the science and technology used to acquire, store, process, display and distribute them." -
Geomatics for Informed Decisions - Canadian organization that invests in geomatics research and development. Includes details of the program, news and membership details. -
ASPRS - American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing: The imaging and geospatial information society. -