Geodynamics and Ore Deposit Evolution - A completed scientific programme of the European Science Foundation aimed at developing a qualitative understanding of the formation of ore deposits, focused on Europe's major metallogenic provinces. News, publications, and other materials. -
Reed Laboratories - Assayer services for gold, silver, and other metals, primarily for mineral prospecting and exploration. -
Ore Deposits - Detailed lecture notes from David Jessey's course at Cal State Pomona. Topics include morphology, ore textures, geothermometry, theories of genesis, ore deposit classification, and various specific types of deposits. -
Skarns and Skarn Deposits - Skarns are a rich source of metallic ores. This web site is an attempt to coordinate research and interest in skarns. -
Current World Mining and Development Projects - Information on metallic and nonmetallic mining projects around the world, from exploration to recovery and processing. Featured projects include Bingham Canyon, Carlin Trend, Minera Yanacocha and Robinson. -
Metalliferous Environments of Nova Scotia - Base Metals - Paper by James M. Patterson (1993) describes the geologic occurrence and extraction history of metallic ore deposits in Nova Scotia, Canada. These include volcanogenic, carbonate-hosted, and sandstone-hosted deposits plus deposits associated with granite -
NATI Research Ltd. - About mineralogy of noble metals and highly sensitive techniques for measuring mineralogy of noble metals: metrological maintenance, "ppm-mineralogy" techniques, platinum group minerals and gold in rocks, ores, benefaction products and waste tai -