Dr. Raffaella Bucefalo Palliani - Mesozoic and Tertiary dinoflagellate cyst and sporomorph stratigraphy; organic sedimentology. Interpretation of depositional environment. - http://xoomer.alice.it/rbucefal/www/
Dawson Geophysical Company - Acquires and analyzes 3-d seismic data used in determining whether subsurface geologic conditions appear favorable for the accumulation of oil and natural gas. (Nasdaq: DWSN). - http://www.dawson3d.com/
Advanced Basin Chemical Modeling, Inc. - Basin modeling, including analysis of porosity evolution, hydrocarbon migration patterns and predictions of the hydrocarbon types. - http://www.abcminc.com/
Scheevel Geo Technologies - Geological and geophysical reservoir evaluation, well planning and execution, 3D reservoir modeling. - http://scheevel.com/
Petro-gen Geoconsultancy Ltd. - On-site geological consultant for drilling operations. Experienced in detecting and dealing with abnormal pressures. - http://www.petro-gen.com
OilGasTech - Specializing in finding new reservoirs in South Louisiana by unraveling complex salt-related structures and locating significant bypassed and/or overlooked zones. - http://www.oilgastech.com/
Carbonate Research Consulting Inc. - Worldwide geologic, geophysical, engineering and training services in carbonate rocks for the oil industry. - http://www.crienterprises.com/
Jennifer Wells & Associates Ltd. - Engaged in a subscription study of the underexploited shallow gas potential of the Edmonton and Paskapoo in the W5 area, Canada. - http://www.jenniferwells.ca/
Exterra Geoscience Web Page - Specializing in the processing and analysis of dipmeter and borehole image data. - http://www.exterraltd.com/
The Discovery Group, Inc. - Consulting petroleum geologists specializing in petrophysics, reservoir characterization, mapping and stratigraphy. - http://www.discovery-group.com/
Cerberus Consultants - Geological consulting for exploration and development. - http://www.cerberus-consultants.com/
Reservoir Associates International - Specializing in sedimentological and diagenetic studies of clastic strata and subsurface reservoir analysis. - http://www.ra-international.co.uk/
Raven Ridge Resources - Specializing in coalbed methane and coal mine methane development worldwide. - http://www.ravenridge.com/
Rose and Associates - Specializing in risk analylsis for exploration and production operators. Education, consulting services and highly specialized software. - http://www.roseassoc.com/
Don Hallett, PhD - Emphasis on Libia, North Sea and North Africa. In association with other specialist consulting groups, offers a complete range of exploration and production services. - http://www.hallett.info/
CSA Group - Geological analysis and well site services. Petroleum, mining, construction and environmental projects. - http://www.csa.ie/
Dwight Ingram - Develops prospects and provides consulting services. Works primarily in the Rocky Mountain area. - http://www.dwightingram.com/
TRACS International (Australasia) - Subsurface studies. Training for exploration and production professionals. Operate mainly in Australia, South East Asia, the Pacific region, and the Far East. - http://www.tracsint.com/australasia/
Rakhit Petroleum Consulting Ltd. - Application of hydrodynamics and geology for petroleum exploration and development. - http://rpcl.com/
Resource Development Partners - Geoscience and engineering staff manage producing properties for maxium profit. Gulf Coast and Midcontinent emphasis. - http://teamrdp.com/
GeoProfessionals Ltd. - Alliance of exploration and production consultants based in New Zealand. E-solutions for SE Asia, Australia and worldwide. - http://www.geoprofessionals.com/
Wairarapa Geological Services - Support for exploration and exploitation projects in Southeast Asia and the Southwest Pacific regions. New Zealand Based. - http://www.geological-services.com/
Seistrac Consultant - Geological and geophysical consulting. 20 years+ experience in exploration and production including USA, Venezuela and North Africa. - http://www.seistrac.de/
Exploration-department.com - Offers clients a complete exploration department on line. - http://www.exploration-department.com/
W.H. Pierce Exploration - Middle East regional geology. Offering geologic maps and GIS data. - http://www.whpierceexploration.com/
Argo Geological Consultants - Providing geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, structural interpretation, production geology, and data management. - http://www.argo-geoscience.com/
Michael G. Mackenzie, Ph.D. - Gulf Coast subsurface interpretation for exploration and development. - http://www.oilgeologistgulfcoast.com/
Geo-Logic Ltd. - Geological engineering and technical services. Geological field Trips. Based in New Zealand. - http://www.geo-logic.co.nz/
Gregory Olszewski - Geologic and geophysical consulting services for exploration and development projects. Houston based. Some Russian and Spanish language skills. - http://www.geologicconsultant.com/
Rowans Consultants - Integrated geological, engineering and geophysical interpretation for international exploration and production. - http://www.rowans-consultants.com/
Geocosm - Reservoir quality consortium. Research on sandstone diagenesis and development of improved subsurface petrophysical models. - http://www.geocosm.net/
Blackbourn Geoconsulting - Petrography, petroleum geology, reservoir studies, basin analysis, core logging and well appraisal. Based in Scotland. Experience in Former Soviet Union. - http://www.blackbourn.co.uk/
Oiltracers LLC - Integrate geochemical, geological, and engineering data to evaluate origin of seeps, charge risk assessment and reservoir continuity. Oil viscosity and gravity predicted. - http://www.oiltracers.com/