ISOGEOCHEM - Information about the e-mail discussion list for stable isotope geochemistry. Includes many isotope-related links including available positions, research laboratories, short course and workshop listings, and a searchable message archive. -
Biogeosciences - Information, discussion, and resources to help fulfill the scientific need to bridge the earth and life sciences. -
Archives of ISOGEOCHEM - Searchable archives of the e-mail group for stable isotope geochemistry. -
Martian Geochemistry - Summarizes the geochemical results obtained by NASA's Mars Pathfinder mission. Includes plots of geochemical trends, and comparisons with earlier Viking mission data as well as with Earth geochemistry. -
The Geochemistry Portal - Organized collection of links, including news, organizations, universities, laboratories, publications, and databases. Has search and ability to submit links for inclusion. -
Stable Isotopes and Mineral Resource Investigations - An information hand-out from the US Geological Survey, introducing the topic of stable isotopes and providing some examples of their use in determining the origins of mineral deposits in the United States. -
Fluid Inclusions - Primarily a directory to fluid inclusion-related resources. Links are provided for old and upcoming meetings and short courses, a few organizations, and some archived forums on research issues. - - Geology and Geochemistry - Educational site for those interested in learning about surface exploration techniques used for oil and gas. Includes images, analogs, bibliographies, and services. -