NMR-Service - Designs and manufactures solid state NMR probes and RF filters. Represents Tecmag and Resonance Research (RRI) in Europe. - http://www.nmrservice.de/
NMR-Mouse - A hand held NMR sensor (Mobile Universal Surface Explorer) useful for measurement of NMR relaxation and diffusion parameters in large objects (near surface). Uses inhomogeneous magnetic fields. - http://www.nmr-mouse.de/index.php
NMR Microprobes - Microcoil probes that improve mass sensitivity of trace quantity samples. - http://www.protasis.com/FN3A_NMR_Screen.htm
CapNMR Tech Support - The technical support site for the CapNMR probe. - http://www.micronmr.com/
Doty - Doty makes NMR and MRI probes. - http://www.dotynmr.com/