NMR Spectroscopy of Fatty Acids and their Derivatives - Covers nearly every type and class of lipid and fatty acid there is. Extensive discussions on various classes and prediction of chemical shift. - http://www.lipidlibrary.co.uk/nmr/nmr.html
NMRShiftDB - A web database for organic structures and their NMR spectra. It allows for spectrum prediction (13C, 15N, 31P) as well as for searching spectra, structures and other properties. - http://nmrshiftdb.cubic.uni-koeln.de/
NMR Meets Musicians - Auditory presentation of Free Induction Decay (FID) signals generated by NMR spectrometers. - http://www.chemie.uni-erlangen.de/oc/research/NMR/music.html
CHEMNMR - regional NMR facility located at the Pietermaritzburg campus of the School of Chemistry at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. They have several interesting spectra on line.Including some multinuclear. - http://chemweb.unp.ac.za/NMRlab/
Chemistry Daily - Nuclear magnetic resonance, definitions and an article explaining the intricacies of the technique. - http://www.chemistrydaily.com/chemistry/Nuclear_magnetic_resonance
Richard R. Ernst - Autobiography. From the Nobel Prize Museum. Chemistry 1991 - http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/laureates/1991/ernst-autobio.html
Testing of NMR and MRI Console Electronics - NMR and MRI console electronics can test themselves to a large degree, and such a test has been implemented. - http://home.flash.net/~bobgh/nmr.htm
NMR - Link Lists - Numerous links to NMR sites; educational as well as informative links are listed. - http://www.nmr-services.com/nmr__good_reading_links.htm
RMN - NMR in solid state physics and mesoscopic physics at Laboratoire de Physique des Solides of Orsay University (Paris Sud) - http://www.lps.u-psud.fr/collectif/gr_04/en_default.html
NMR Guide and Encyclopedia (DEMO Version) - Experiment wizards, tutorials and Bruker's manuals, eNMR encyclopedia, search tools, Bruker's library, literature references, pulse programs, theory, and information. - http://www.bruker.de/guide/index.html
MRC Biomedical NMR Centre - The web site of a multi-user biomedical nuclear magnetic resonance facility in the UK. - http://www.nmrcentre.mrc.ac.uk/
The Wired Chemist - Includes an introduction to chemistry, lecture notes and quizzes for students, data tables, and molecular images. With NMR tables and information for the beginner. - http://wulfenite.fandm.edu/wired.html
New Mexico Resonance - A not-for-profit NMR center. A long list of peer-reviewed publications. - http://www.nmr.org/
SDBS - SDBS an integrated Spectral Data Base System for organic compounds. - http://www.aist.go.jp/RIODB/SDBS/menu-e.html