Experimental Parasitology - This journal emphasizes modern approaches to parasitology, including molecular biology and immunology. - http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0014-4894
Quantitative Parasitology 2.0 - A statistical toolset for parasitologists either to describe the parasite burden of a sample of hosts or to compare the parasite burdens between (among) two or more samples of hosts. - http://bio.univet.hu/qp/qp.htm
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology - A journal for all scientists that work with parasites as a model for their biochemical and molecular studies. Journal welcomes papers in areas such as bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, cellular microbiology. - http://www.elsevier.com/locate/molbiopara
DPDx - Parasite Image Library - Parasitic diseases: life cycles, diagnosis, treatment and prevention,from Website of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, USA. - http://www.dpd.cdc.gov/DPDx/HTML/Image_Library.htm
Parasitology International - This journal covers all aspects of parasitology. Included in Index Medicus, Medline and all other major abstracting services. Receiving Editors in USA, Japan and UK. - http://www.elsevier.com/locate/parint
International Journal for Parasitology - the most highly cited journal covering original research on all aspects of parasitology. Special issues are offered free full text. Online submissions are welcomed. - http://www.elsevier.com/locate/ijpara
Aberystwyth University Parasitology Group - Using proteomics and functional genomics to study parasite biochemistry plus behavioural/ecological parasitology. Also contains teaching materials, an on-line simulation and a web directory. - http://www.aber.ac.uk/~mpgwww/index.html
Ectoparasites and Endoparasites - Academic links and information about Fasciola (liver flukes) and parasitic zoonoses. - http://www.soton.ac.uk/~ceb/
WormLearn - A parasitology site that helps people with little or no knowledge of parasites get essential introductory information. - http://home.austarnet.com.au/wormman/wormmain.htm
Acta Tropica - one of the top three journals covering tropical medicine and parasitology. Special issues are offered free full text. - http://www.elsevier.com/locate/actatropica
EBI, the European Bioinformatics Institute - The one-stop portal to all your bioinformatics needs: the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) is a centre for research and services in bioinformatics. - http://www.ebi.ac.uk/
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - Britain's national school of public health and a leading postgraduate institution in Europe for public health and tropical medicine. - http://www.lshtm.ac.uk