Internal Parasites - Life cycles, drench resistance, lab tests and other information. -
Handling Internal Worm Parasitism in Sheep - Acquaints the reader with methods of preventing, controlling, and treating parasitism in sheep. -
Fighting and Winning the Parasite Battle in Sheep - Worms: sheep get them, shepherds try to kill them. For a control and prevention program, some knowledge of type of parasites, life cycle of parasite, sheep susceptibility, anthelmintics (dewormers) available, management options available, local and regi -
Controlling Internal Parasites in Sheep - To effectively control internal parasites at a reasonable cost, one needs to understand the interaction between the worms and sheep, have knowledge of the parasite life cycle and use dewormers and other management practices wisely. -
Control of Internal Parasites in Sheep - Things to keep in mind when developing an effective parasite control program. (Virginia) -
Coccidia - Causes, symptoms, and treatment. -