Early Hominids - Radio report about a research team's discovery, in a Pleistocene cave site in Atapuerca, Spain, of a new species of hominid (Homo antecessor) that may be the common ancestor of both modern humans and Neanderthals. - http://www.sciencefriday.com/pages/1997/May/hour1_053097.html
Peter Brown's Australian and Asian Palaeoanthropology - Covers the hominid fossil record from Australia, East Asia and South-East Asia, including archaic and modern Homo sapiens and Homo erectus. Also includes a PDF field guide to the human skeleton, and downloadable data files of anthropometric data on variou - http://www-personal.une.edu.au/~pbrown3/palaeo.html
Genus Homo - Phylogeny, morphology and life history. - http://citd.scar.utoronto.ca/ANTD15/Bill/multi-media.html
Atapuerca, a World Heritage Site - Extensive discussion of the Spanish area's three archaeological sites, including fossils of Homo antecessor and Homo heidelbergensis. Features photo albums, discussion of stone toolmaking, VRML models of skull reconstructions, and a discussion of how H. a - http://www.ucm.es/info/paleo/ata/english/