River Bend Astronomy Club - News, events, gallery, and resources located at St. Jacob. - http://www.riverbendastro.org/
The Fox Valley Astronomical Society - Club brochure, newsletter, meetings, and education resources located in Wasco. - http://www.fvastro.org/
Decatur Area Astronomy Club - Observing aids and programs, educational information, and news. - http://www.decaturastronomy.com/
The Chicago Astronomer - Events, information, images, news, and forum. - http://astronomer.proboards23.com/
Astronomical Society at the University of Illinois - Images, projects and awards, publications, workshops, past activities, facilities, and equipment located at Champaign-Urbana. - http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/~uias/
Popular Astronomy Club - Calendar of events, adopt a star program, start program, newsletter, scrap book, store, and gallery located in Rock Island. - http://pacastronomy.50megs.com
Peoria Astronomical Society - News, archives, learning topics, calendar, downloads, gallery, and links. - http://www.astronomical.org/
Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers - Publications, training and youth programs, and astronomical, instrument, and computing information located in Springfield. - http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/alpo/
Twin City Amateur Astronomers - Calendar of events, archives, club information, and cool links located in Normal. - http://twincityamateurastronomers.org/
Sangamon Astronomical Society - Telescope basics, star parties, events, meetings, gallery and links located in Springfield. - http://www.sas-sky.org
Ryerson Astronomical Society - Upcoming events, images, galleries, and sources located in Chicago. - http://astro.uchicago.edu/home/web/RAS/
Northwest Suburban Astronomers - From the Northwest suburbs of Chicago and includes tips for beginners and reading suggestions, observing information, and gallery. - http://www.nsaclub.org/
Lake County Astronomical Society - The sky, news, beginners corner, dictionary, article archive, astrophotography, archaeoastronomy, and downloads located at Ingleside. - http://www.bpccs.com/lcas/