Minnesota Astronomical Society - General club information, newsletter, equipment, library, facilities, and public programs located at Minneapolis. - http://www.mnastro.org/
Sioux Empire Astronomy Club - Store, universe today, gallery, comet gallery, and links located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. - http://inskysd.org/news.php
NexStar 50 Club - For NexStar telescope owners, and grants certificates and admission for those viewing 40 of the 50 objects on the list. - http://www.nexstarsite.com/nexstar50club.htm
The Astronomical League: Urban Club - Rules and regulations, the list, and observation tip and guides. - http://www.astroleague.org/al/obsclubs/urban/urban.html
Hawaiian Astronomical Society - Astro news, deep sky atlas, views of the solar system, cosmic thoughts, and links located in Honolulu. - http://hawastsoc.org
Delmarva Stargazers On-Line - Newsletters, star parties, mirror making, observing notes, outreach events, gallery, and archives located in Lincoln, Delaware. - http://delmarvastargazers.org
Northern Sky Astronomical Society - Based in Grand Forks, North Dakota and includes schedules, gallery, archive, and links. - http://www.und.edu/org/nsas/