End of the Line for Ona Tribe: BBC - Article about Virginia Choinquitel, last member of the Ona tribe. - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/361350.stm
Patagonia : native americans - Native inhabitants of Argentina: pehuenches, huarpes, mapuches and araucanians. - http://www.sapiensman.com/austral/patagonia/native_americans.htm
Sur del Sur - Argentinean indigenous peoples by area. Contains information about the Diaguitas, Comechingones, Huarpes, QuerandÃes, Tehuelches and Onas. - http://www.surdelsur.com/somos/pob120ing.html
Aborigines in Patagonia Customs - Information about the Selk'nam or Onas, the Tehuelches and the Mapuches general living conditions. - http://www.patagonia-argentina.com/i/content/aborigenes.htm
Kollas vs. Seaboard - The Kollas, a semi-nomadic group of indigenous people who have inhabited an area of the Salta province, and the conflict originated in Seaboard's intrusion in their ancestral lands. - http://www.derechos.org/serpaj/acciones/kollas.html