Yahoo! Groups - Argentina - Directory of online communities connected with or interested in the country. -
Ethnologue - Languages of Argentina - Information about the living languages of the country including population, region, classification, dialects and alternate names. -
Rutas Solidarias Argentinas - A system based on the human commitment and technical structures, that try to give assistential answers in the short term and proposes to start a process of positive change of reality, so that finally the community may find in the future solutions to its p -
Missing Children - Argentina - A foundation dedicated to find missing children in Argentina. Includes pictures of boys and girls reported missing. Provides a support net for parents and family of kids who are taken away or leave their homes. Contact for family, and to report findings a -
Argentine Association for Space Technology - Provides summary of the space agency's activities with links to more detailed information in Spanish. -
Association of Tramway Friends - Non-profit tramway fan association. Standard gauge heritage tramway service runs weekends and holidays, departs from Emilio Mitre St. and José Bonifacio St., Caballito neighborhood, Buenos Aires. -
Discar Foundation - It offers to people with mental handicap, tools for development of their potentialities, collaborating whit their better social integration. -