Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry (DAFF)
- Has responsibility for helping Australian agricultural, food, fisheries and forest industries become more competitive, profitable and sustainable.
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation - Responsible to its stakeholders for planning, funding and managing research and development programs; and facilitating the dissemination, adoption and commercialisation of the results of the results of research and development. -
Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) - RFAs are 20-year plans for the conservation and sustainable management of Australia's native forests. Find reports, news and background information on the RFA process. -
National Food Industry Strategy - Strategy devised by industry and government to provide a long-term agenda to strengthen industry's capability to identify and meet market demands. Details of the strategy, resources and contact information. -
The Murray-Darling Basin Commission - Promotes and coordinates planning and management for the sustainable use of the land, water and environmental resources of the Murray-Darling Basin. -
Grains Research and Development Corporation - The GRDC's mission is to invest in research and development for the greatest benefit to its stakeholders - graingrowers and the Commonwealth. -
Forest and Wood Products Research and Development - To promote effective R and D which advances an internationally competitive, profitable, sustainable and environmentally responsible forest and wood products industry in Australia. -
Australian Wine - Strives to enhance the operating environment in the Australian wine industry for the long term benefit of all industry participants. -
Bureau of Rural Sciences - Plays a role in analysing, assessing and packaging science for the sustainable development of Australia's agricultural, fisheries, food and forestry industries. -
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service - Our goal is to work courteously and responsively with our stakeholders to ensure a shared understanding of quarantine and export legislation and to review it as appropriate. -
Australian Fisheries Management Authority - The Commonwealth statutory authority responsible for the day-to-day management of fisheries under Commonwealth jurisdiction. -