How Green Is My Council? - Evaluates Western Australian local government environmental practices and initiatives, with maps and comparison chart. -
Australian Rainforest Foundation - Created to support the country's tropical rain forest through outreach education, research, and restoring natural habitats. Page includes information about forest animals and plants, image gallery, and newsletter. -
Australian Rangers Federation - Professional body supporting Rangers and other professional officers involved in the conservation and management of natural resources. -
Clean Ocean Foundation - Non-profit apolitical organisation campaigning for clean oceans, beaches and inland waters in Australia. -
Indian Mynar Eradication Program - A call to help eradicate an imported bird that is taking over nesting places of Australian native birds by throwing their eggs or young to the ground. -
Cane Toad - Explains how this introduced species is causing problems across northern Australia. Includes identification guide, control initiatives, and a fact sheet to download. -
Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife - A non-profit, non-political organisation fostering the protection of Australia's native plants, animals and cultural heritage through fundraising for environmental education and conservation projects. -
Environment: Australian Local Government Association - Contains environmental issues including cities for climate protection, waste management, biodiversity, reports and links. -
The Marine and Coastal Community Network - Information on Australian marine and coastal initiatives. Find weekly media, state bulletins, newsletters, resources and network profile. -
Australian City and Regional Network - Research network for an environmentally sustainable Australia. Find news and events, research, surveys, databases and network profile. -
Natural Resource Management - Information about the integrated implementation of the Natural Heritage Trust (NHT) and the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality (NAP). -
National Dryland Salinity Program - Is a collaborative research and development effort that is investigating the causes of, and solutions to, the problem of dryland salinity in Australia. -
Environment - A comparison of fuel consumption of new hybrid vehicles with standard petrol-driven vehicles. Also contains fact sheets on a variety of automotive fuels. -
The Green Vehicle Guide - Provides ratings on the environmental performance of new vehicles sold in Australia. Shows how vehicles compare on greenhouse and air pollution emissions. -
Banksia Environmental Foundation - Information about the foundation's history, sponsors, awards and news. -
Australian Seabird Rescue - Information and resources on the conservation and rehabilitation of various seabirds and other marine wildlife such as turtles, whales, and dolphins. -
Greenfleet - A not for profit organisation providing a service where vehicle fleet greenhouse gas emissions are offset by planting trees. -
GreenNet Australia - An amalgamation of independent Australian environmental and social organisations. Provides free internet services for environmental organisations. -
Bioenergy Australia - Government-industry forum to foster and facilitate the development of biomass for energy, liquid fuels, and other value added bio-based products. -
Love That Planet - ABC Science. Environmental news, features, and stories. -
National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality in Australia - Commonwealth and State plan to tackle water and salinity issues across the country. Details of the plan, events, publications, news, and contact details provided. -
Australian Bush Heritage Fund - National, independent, non-profit organisation created to preserve Australia's biodiversity through the creation of reserves on private land. Provides information on reserves, donations and the organisation. -
MESA - The Marine Education Society of Australasia - National organisation bringing together those interested in coastal and marine environments. MESA provides a forum for sharing of ideas to facilitate the development of leading environmental education and interpretation programs. -
Conservation Volunteers Australia - Help create a Better Earth become a conservation volunteer. -
Cooperative Research Centre for Plant Based Management of Dryland Salinity - A Commonwealth Government initiative which aims to 'change the research culture' of Australia. It aims to develop and demonstrate new farming systems that are more profitable and environmentally viable than current farming systems. -
The Wilderness Society - a national, community-based, environmental advocacy organisation whose mission is to protect, promote and secure the future of wilderness and other high conservation areas. -
Climate Action Network Australia (CANA) - An alliance of over 25 regional, state and national environmental, health, community development, and research groups from throughout Australia. -
Landcare Australia - Includes information on landcare, tree planting programs, good business awards, news and a kids section. -
Greening Australia - Diverse information about sustainable agriculture, native ecosystems, and issues in Australia. Sample topics are bush regeneration, farm forestry, coastal ecosystems. -
Land and Water Australia - Offering national leadership in generating knowledge, informing debate and inspiring innovation and action in sustainable natural resource management. -
Ecosustainable - Resources and tools on ecology, environment and sustainability. -
Australian Rainforest Conservation Society - Society which aims to protect, repair and restore the rainforests of Australia and to maximise the protection of forest biodiversity. -
Australian Conservation Foundation - Covers national environmental issues: forests, national parks, uranium mining, global warming, world heritage, rivers, recycling, pollution, wilderness and endangered species. Includes information on local groups. -
Centre for Groundwater Studies - A research and education venture focusing on processes of groundwater recharge, discharge, contamination, remediation and management. -