Haig Point Range Rear Lighthouse - Find history and statistics for the light. - http://www.nps.gov/history/maritime/light/haigpt.htm
Lighthouse Friends: Harbour Town Light - Located in Sea Pines Resort; includes history, photos, and map. - http://www.lighthousefriends.com/light.asp?ID=330
North Island Lighthouse - History and photographs of the light. - http://bansemer.com/north_carolina_lighthouses/georgetown_lighthouse.htm
Governor's Light - Facsimile lighthouse dedicated to all of the state's Governors. Located in Little River. - http://www.ipl.org/div/light/ATL/Governors.html
South Carolina Light Stations - Historic light station information and photographs from the U.S. Coast Guard. - http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-cp/history/WEBLIGHTHOUSES/LHSC.html
Cape Romain Light - Internet Public Library exhibit with photo. - http://www.ipl.org/div/light/ATL/CapeRomain.html