The Lighthouse Directory - Provides information, photographs and links for more than 8,300 of the world's lighthouses. List maintained by Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina. -
Cyberlights Lighthouses - Gary P. Richardson and Anna P. Klein present over 1500 photographs, together with information, maps, and directions, on lighthouses mainly in North America, with some in Europe. - - Discussion forum for lighthouse enthusiasts also offers news, stories, photo gallery, tour information and book reviews. [Registration required for some sections.] -
Leading Lights - Contains news, information and an online book store dedicated to lighthouses, light vessels and general maritime topics. -
Historic Lighthouse Preservation Handbook - Published by the US Government as a practical aid to maintenance of historic lighthouses. Explains the materials and construction techniques used in different types of lighthouse. -
Sea the Lights - Robert de Via gives lighthouse facts and trivia, a glossary of terms, some photographs and links to related sites. -
The World Lighthouse Society - Newsletter, publications and information on the executive board, subscriptions and membership. -
Lighthouses: A Photographic Journey - Extensive amount of information and photographs of lighthouses from around the world. -
Pacific Rim Light Stations - Vintage photos of the Howland Island Light, provided by the U.S. Coast Guard. -
Lighthouse Design and Equipment - Covering topics such as early construction materials and sources of illumination, lightship design, typical styles, and the Fresnel lens. -
The Science and Mathematics of Lighthouses - Educational resource, with information on the history, geometry in design, physics of the beacon and chemistry of the fuel of lighthouses. -
Lighthouse Explorer Database - Information on more than 1,500 lighthouses around the world. -
Lighthouse Getaway - Atmospheric photographs of lighthouses in North America and Ireland, organised by area, with history and description, from William A. Britten. -
Dan's Lighthouse Page - Former member of U.S. Coast Guard provides lighthouse history, the basics on aids to navigation, and other subjects. -
Lighthouses of South Africa - Tour of lighthouses from Cape Columbine to Danger Point, including Robben Island. -
Lighthouse Digest - Electronic version of the international lighthouse magazine. Includes photographs, features, news, tours, cruises and the Doomsday List of endangered lighthouses. Archive of past issues. -