Hermiston High School - Covers grades 9 - 12. Provides calendar, course catalog, handbook, staff directory, activities and athletics information, counseling, newsletters and Spanish language pages. - http://www.hhs.hermiston.k12.or.us
West Park Elementary School - Covers grades K - 5. Provides a calendar, newsletters, staff directory and pages, parent information and handbook. - http://www.hermiston.k12.or.us/wpes/
Sunset Elementary School - Covers grades K - 5. Provides calendar, newsletters, staff directory, activities and parent information. - http://www.hermiston.k12.or.us/sunset/
Sandstone Middle School - Covers grades 6 - 8. Includes calendar, handbook, staff directory, student/parent information and news. - http://www.hermiston.k12.or.us/sandstone/
Rocky Heights Elementary School - Covers grades K - 5. Provides a calendar, staff directory, teacher pages, newsletters, parent information and principal's message. - http://www.hermiston.k12.or.us/rockyh/
Desert View Elementary School - Covers grades K-5. Includes calendar, schedule, staff directory and pages, parent information, newsletters and photos. - http://www.hermiston.k12.or.us/desertview/
Armand Larive Middle School - Covers grades 6 - 8. Provides faculty directory, calendar, student handbook, newsletters, sports and Spanish language pages. - http://www.hermiston.k12.or.us/alms/
Melissa's Private Preschool - Teaching the fundamentals of reading, writing, and arithmetic prepare ages 3 through 5 for kindergarten. - http://www.melissasprivatepreschool.com/
Highland Hills Elementary School - Covers grades K-5. Includes calendar, newsletters, teacher pages, menu and parent information. - http://www.hermiston.k12.or.us/hhes/
Hermiston School District - District calendar, school information and websites, parent/teacher resources, community information and Spanish language pages. - http://www.hermiston.k12.or.us/