Oregon Student Assistance Commission - State agency that helps students pay for postsecondary education and training. Provides profile, scholarship programs, news, FAQs, donor and meeting information. - http://www.osac.state.or.us/
Oregon National Guard Youth Challenge - A cost-free at-risk teen program working with Oregon residents ages 16-18 who are drug free. - http://www.oycp.com/
Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) - A non-profit organization comprised of member schools dedicated to ensuring equitable competition for Oregon high school students through OSAA-sponsored events. - http://www.osaa.org
Innovations in Educational Assessment - A non-profit organization working alongside member school districts to create a culture that values and uses data to improve instruction and student learning. - http://www.nwea.org
Oregon Public Education Network (OPEN) - Helps bring the Internet to Oregon's classrooms by facilitating network connections and servicing those connections through technical and user support services. - http://www.open.k12.or.us/
Oregon Network for Education (ONE) - Information for prospective and current students, parents, school counselors, employers, and others about educational programs and services available in Oregon. - http://www.ous.edu/one/
Rural Education Program at NWREL - Currently involved in multiple areas of research and development related to improving rural education in the northwest states. - http://www.nwrel.org/ruraled/
Northwest Youth Corps - A nonprofit job training, experiential education and outdoor school program for youth to learn and work in the environment on conservation, forestry, preservation and construction projects. - http://www.nwyouthcorps.org/
Oregon Literacy, Inc. - A statewide agency linking and providing support to volunteer agencies across the state who provide literacy and English as a second language services to adults. - http://www.oregonliteracy.org/
Oregon Faculties - An association for better benefits for higher education teachers in Oregon. - http://www.oregonfaculties.org/
Student Originated Studies - The University of Oregon Community Service Center (CSC) has funding available through its Student Originated Studies (SOS) Program for student projects assisting communities in Oregon. - http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~sos
Advance Training Inc - Alcohol awareness for licensees and servers of alcohol. Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) server education classes State-wide. - http://www.advancetraininginc.com