Benton County Historical Museum - In Philomath. Provides educational activities, museum services, and cultural resource management services in order to encourage understanding of the history and culture of this county. -
The High Desert Museum - Offers educational exhibits about the history, culture, arts, and wildlife surrounding the plateau of the High Desert and areas of the Pacific Northwest. -
Washington County Historical Museum - Museum exhibits and an art gallery that share the cultural history of Washington County past and present. -
Museum of Natural History - University of Oregon - Unfolding mysteries about the natural sciences and human cultures past and present. The Museum is the repository for all anthropological artifacts and specimens found on Oregon state lands. -
The Vista House - Museum that celebrates history of Columbia River Gorge. Has a picture gallery, gift shop, and artifacts that were constructed by the original pioneers. -
Portland Art Museum - Founded in 1892, museum is the region's oldest and largest visual and media arts center, and one of Oregon's greatest cultural assets. -
International Museum of Carousel Art - At the crossroads of the Columbia River Gorge and Cascade Crest mountain range. America's artistic heritage and home to a large, comprehensive collection of carousel art. -
Discovery Center and Museum - Features the natural and cultural history of the Columbia Gorge through two museums, a summer living history encampment, a theater, interpretive trails, and art demonstrations. -
Coos County Museum - Museum has exhibits and artifacts that tell the history of Coos County, OR. -