Linn County Historical Museum - The museum holds collections and information representing the area and includes replicas of a general store, a bank, a barber shop and milliner’s shop, all rich with the objects, clothing and turn-of-the-century tools of the trade in Brownsville. -
Lane County Historical Museum - Collections of national and local significance dating from the 1840s to the present in Eugene. -
Harney County Historical Museum - Exhibits of artifacts of pioneer families within the county. Located in Burns. -
Grant County Historical Museum - Exhibits focus on the lives of the pioneers who first came to the area of the county in Canyon City. -
Benton County Historical Museum - Provides educational activities, museum services, and cultural resource management services in order to encourage understanding of the history and culture of this county in Philomath. -
Sumpter Municipal Museum - SMVA, a nonprofit organization in eastern Oregon, is dedicated to collect, catalog, house, restore, preserve, and interpret artifacts and local history, with an emphasis on gold mining, logging and ranching. Includes membership details and photos. -
The Applegate Trail Interpretive Center - Offers a glimpse into the history of the area through the stories of the pioneer settlers. Includes hours and location in Sunny Valley, Oregon. -
Bandon Historical Society Museum - Features displays of early history of the area including Indian artifacts, logging, fishing, cranberry farming and the 1936 fire that destroyed the city. Includes hours, admission, events, membership, volunteer opportunities, gift shop, links and directi -
Tillamook County Pioneer Museum - Preserving and interpreting the environmental and human history of the area. Collection of 35,000 items and 10,000 photographs ranges from prehistoric specimens to modern day. Includes hours, admission fees and map location. -
Columbia Gorge Discovery Center - Wasco County Historical Museum - Features the cultural history of the Columbia Gorge through two museums, a summer living history encampment, a theater, interpretive trails, art demonstrations, and lectures. Includes hours, admission, membership details, volunteer opportunities and dire -
Four Rivers Cultural Center and Museum - Exhibits history of more than a century of culture and life. Themes range from Native American culture and early settlement to 20th century contemporary cultures and communities. Includes hours, events and photos. Located in Ontario. -
A.R. Bowman Memorial Museum - Dedicated to preserving Prineville and Crook County's past. Exhibits include logging, farming, and ranching history. Includes details of displays, hours, events, photos, membership, newsletter, publications and location. -