Teen Challenge of Oklahoma - Offers faith-based prevention or solution to drug and alcohol addiction, and behavior problems. Includes applications and requirements. - http://www.okteenchallenge.com/
Oklahoma Primary Care Association - Federally designated and funded trade association for community-based health care providers. - http://okpca.org/
Oklahoma Parent e-Network - Uniting families of disabled children statewide via the world wide web, an email list and webring. - http://www.okparentnetwork.org/
Mental Health Association in Tulsa - Dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental disorders and achieving victory over mental illness through advocacy, education, research, service and housing. - http://www.mhat.org
United Cerebral Palsy of Oklahoma, Inc. - Provides help and assistance for people with disabilities who have fallen through the cracks of traditional services. - http://www.ucpok.org/
Health Choice - Information for Oklahoma State and Education Employees group insurance program. - http://www.sib.state.ok.us