Judith Karman Hospice, Inc. - Nonprofit agency dedicated to providing physical, emotional, and spiritual care to people who are terminally ill and their families. Description of their services, volunteer needs, and staff profiles. - http://www.judithkarmanhospice.org/
AutumnBridge Hospice - List of services, articles on coping with grief, and volunteer needs. Oklahoma City. - http://autumnbridgehospice.com/
Odyssey Healthcare - Improves the quality of life for patients facing terminal diagnoses and provides support for their loved ones. List of services and locations. - http://odsyhealth.com
Cross Timbers Hospice of Southern Oklahoma - A community-based, nonprofit hospice organization providing home hospice care for terminal patients in a six county area of Southern Oklahoma. - http://www.crosstimbershospice.org
Seasons Hospice, Inc. - A not-for-profit, independent, community-based health care provider based in Tulsa. Includes health care programs and services, history, directions and volunteer opportunities. - http://www.seasonshospice.com/