Florida Statutes
- Text of the state's laws and constitution as currently in effect and over the past several years, from the official state senate site. Search by session year, chamber, bill number or keywords.
- http://www.flsenate.gov/Statutes/
Florida County And Municipal Codes - Compilation of county and municipal codes and ordinances. Alphabetical listings of localities, then indexed by chapter and sub-chapter. Also searchable within the code of each locality. - http://municode.com/resources/code_list.asp?stateID=9
Division of Administrative Hearings - Lists cases and rulings by year from 1975 to present. Rules, calendar, compensation claims, phone extension directory, self-representation rules, online case filing for attorneys. - http://www.doah.state.fl.us/
Florida Attorney General - Official site with extensive links on crime and prevention, victims' rights, consumer protection and civil rights. Archive of news releases by year from 1995 to the present. Also available in Spanish and six other languages. - http://myfloridalegal.com/
Daily Business Review - Legal news, information and state government resources. - http://www.dailybusinessreview.com/
Florida Law Online - Online search of state bills, laws, and court opinions with links to agencies and legal journals, maintained by attorney James Wyman. - http://www.floridalawonline.net/
Florida Administrative Code - Statutes, bills before the legislature, committee reports, legislative rules, and session summaries. Links to audio, video, publications, and employment. - http://election.dos.state.fl.us/fac/index.shtml
Florida Lawyer - Extensive links to state lawyers, legislators, courts, law schools, administrative departments and legal news maintained by Miami appellate lawyer and author Robert S. Glazier. Links to software and technology for law office management. - http://www.fla-law.com/
State Attorney's Office - Eighth Judicial Circuit - Office of the State Attorney, Eighth Judicial Circuit of Florida, serving Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Gilchrist, Levy, and Union Counties. - http://sawww.co.alachua.fl.us/
State Attorney 12th Circuit Florida - Office of the State Attorney in Florida's 12th Circuit - DeSoto, Manatee, and Sarasota Counties. - http://sao.co.sarasota.fl.us/
18th Judicial Circuit State Attorney - Office mission, legal terms and a description of the criminal justice process, and a list of office awards. - http://sa18.state.fl.us/
Public Defender - 1st Judicial Circuit - Official site for office in Pensacola includes employment opportunities, law links and pictures. - http://www.pdo1.org
Florida Rules of Procedure - From the Florida Bar, a comprehensive collection including rules of civil, criminal, probate, workers' compensation, traffic, small claims, juvenile, appellate, and family law. PDF format. - http://www.flabar.org/newflabar/links/flrules.html
Florida Administrative Weekly - Online text of periodical documenting proposed and approved changes to state code [PDF], indexed by date from 1999 to the present. Online submissions. - http://faw.dos.state.fl.us/
Child Support Enforcement - Provides resources for state residents including child support statutes, guidelines, payments, and legislation as well as tools for locating missing parents and establishing paternity. - http://fcn.state.fl.us/dor/childsupport/
General Laws - Downloadable [PDF] text of state laws by year enacted from 1975 to the present, including memorials, resolutions and local laws. Cross references include Bill-to-Law and Mini-Title-to-Law. - http://election.dos.state.fl.us/laws/laws_proced.shtml
Tax Law Library - Searchable directory of Florida tax laws, from corporate to dry cleaning. - http://taxlaw.state.fl.us/taxlawmenu.asp