Florida Attorney General - Reports on various criminal justice topics, descriptions of office units, and contact information. - http://myfloridalegal.com/
4th Judicial Circuit State Attorney - An explanation of how to file charges, information on what prosecutors do, criminal justice vocabulary, and descriptions of office career opportunities. - http://www.coj.net/Departments/State+Attorneys+Office+/default.htm
15th Judicial Circuit State Attorney - Legal Eagle newsletter, volunteer information, law enforcement resources, information on the safe teen dating program, and contacts. - http://www.sa15.state.fl.us/
20th Judicial Circuit State Attorney - Mission statement, information on unsolved crimes, grand jury reports, and a mailing list. - http://sao.cjis20.org/
17th Judicial Circuit State Attorney - A description of the office, witness and victim information, a description of efforts to reduce school truancy, and grand jury reports. - http://www.sao17.state.fl.us/
18th Judicial Circuit State Attorney - Office mission, an explanation of legal terms and a description of the criminal justice process, and a list of office awards. - http://www.sa18.state.fl.us/
13th Judicial District State Attorney - General information on the office, information for victims, and contact information. - http://www.sao13th.com/
8th Judicial Circuit State Attorney - Descriptions of division responsibilities with information on division chiefs, an explanation of drug court, a glossary of terms used by prosecutors, and information for victims. - http://sawww.co.alachua.fl.us/
6th Judicial District State Attorney - A tour of the office, contacts, and information on domestic violence and on bad checks. - http://statty.co.pinellas.fl.us/
2nd Judicial District State Attorney - Phone numbers for justice-related agencies throughout the state, information for victims, and information on worthless checks. - http://www.co.leon.fl.us/statty/index.htm