Liberal Party of Canada
- Canada' s official opposition party. Party history and philosophy, leader, executive, policy, and contact information.
CBC Liberal Party Portal - The broadcaster's primary background site on the party and its issues. -
Liberal Aboriginal Peoples' Commission - The party's national commission for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Canadians. -
Finances of the Liberal Party - Elections Canada's detailed analysis of the party's finances: who gave what, when, and how it was spent. -
Liblogs - An unofficial but widely recognized list of Liberal bloggers. Aggregates RSS 2.0 and Atom feeds. -
Liberal International's 50th Congress - Program, resolutions, speeches, and other material from the Ottawa Congress, convened by the Liberal Party of Canada on October 26 to 28, 2000. -
Akaash Maharaj - Practical Idealism - President of the New Liberalism foundation. Bilingual site on the public good includes blog, public policy projects, civil diplomacy initiatives, podcasts, videocasts, media coverage, and contact information. -
Wikipedia: Liberal Party of Canada - Open encyclopedia article on history and current challenges. -
National Women's Liberal Commission - The voice of women in the Liberal Party of Canada. Includes mission, achievements, people, and administration. -
Canada Online: Federal Liberal Party - The history, policies, structure and issues of the Liberal Party of Canada. -
Liberal Party BBQ - Features information this annual BBQ hosted by Nick Nicolaides, live webcast during the event, and photos of past events. -