Hello, Canada! - A collection of mini webcasts about the full range of Canadian political and social justice issues. - http://www.hellocanada.net
Canadian Senate Digest - A blog reporting and commenting on the activities of the Senate of Canada, its committees, members, its past and future. - http://www.CanadianSenateDigest.blogspot.com
Manning Centre for Building Democracy - A builder and supporter of conservative research, training and communications vehicles. Articles and news. - http://www.manningcentre.ca/
The Canadian Constitution Foundation - A non-government group who explain the role of Canada's Constitution to Canadians and to teach them how to recognize infringements and abuse of the Constitution from improper decisions or actions of governments, regulators, tribunals or special-interest g - http://www.canadianconstitutionfoundation.ca/
Civics Channel - A non-profit, non partisan organization supporting research, teaching and learning in the areas of citizenship and society, politics, human rights and the justice system. - http://www.civicschannel.com/indexc.php
Citizens Centre for Freedom and Democracy - A non-profit organization that promotes honest, accountable, responsible government. Features commentary, news, and a discussion about refederation. - http://www.ccfd.ca/
Rock the Vote - A non-profit, non-partisan organization promoting political and social youth activism. - http://www.rockthevote.ca/
Public Policy Forum - Serves as a neutral, independent forum for open dialogue on public policy, to encourage reform in public sector management and excellence in government. [English/French] - http://www.ppforum.com/
Canadian Coalition for Democracies - A non-partisan non-denominational membership organization working to protect and promote democratic values and the elimination of terrorism worldwide. - http://www.canadiancoalition.com/
Institute for Canadian Values - States that values such as personal effort and responsibility, traditional families, limited government and public accountability are intrinsically Canadian. - http://canadianvalues.ca/
Ambler - Weblog of Kevin Michael Grace, a conservative Canadian. - http://theambler.com/
Crossing Boundaries National Council - A not-for-profit forum fostering the development of Canada as an information society through the transformation of government and governance. Features information about their initiatives, publications and related resources. - http://www.crossingboundaries.ca/
National Citizens Coalition - Canadian organization that promotes free enterprise, individual freedom, strong defence and better government. Outlines their current campaigns and membership information. - http://www.morefreedom.org/
Nodice.ca - Complete coverage of federal, provincial and territorial elections in Canada. Includes ridings, candidates, poll results, news and historical information. - http://www.nodice.ca/
Canadian-politics - Covers all aspects of Canadian politics and how to improve Canadian political institutions. Includes a discussion forum. - http://www.canadian-politics.com
Vive le Canada - Advocates involvement of Canadians in grassroots efforts to protect and improve Canadian sovereignty and democracy in the era of corporate globalization and U.S. empire. - http://www.vivelecanada.ca
Social Research and Demonstration Corp - SRDC - A non-profit social policy research organization. Lists information about its projects, publications, and career opportunities. - http://www.srdc.org/
Maple Leaf Web - Portal site for Canadian political education. Includes news, analysis, web polls, chat rooms and other resources. - http://www.mapleleafweb.com/
Policy.ca - Non-partisan resource on Canadian politics and policy issues for analysts, advocates, journalists and citizens. Provides analysis that goes beyond the headlines from various ideological perspectives. - http://www.policy.ca/
Energy Council of Canada - A non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the effectiveness of Canada's national energy policy. - http://www.energy.ca/
Outrageous Canadian Political Facts - Site crusades against perks for politicians, God in the Constitution and taxes. - http://www.islandnet.com/~luree/politics.html
Equal Voice - A multi-partisan action group dedicated to increasing the political presence of women and women elected to all levels of political office in Canada. - http://www.equalvoice.ca/
The Council of Canadians - An independent, non-partisan citizens' interest group providing a critical and progressive voice on key national issues. - http://www.canadians.org/