Revoke Conrad Black's Order of Canada Petition - Petition to revoke Conrad Black's Order of Canada and his membership in the Canadian Privy Council -
The Foster Care Council of Canada - Organization of individuals who have been affected by foster care, working to increase public awareness of existing and emerging child welfare issues and to increase accountability and service quality in child welfare, and assistance in getting records. -
WTOAction.Org - Holds information related to the protests of the 1999 WTO meetings in Seattle. -
Results-Resultats Canada - National network of grassroots action groups dedicated to reforming Canada's foreign aid policy to end hunger, eliminate poverty and create a better world. [English/Francais] -
Canadian Association of Food Banks - Coordinates donations of food and transportation to ensure food is distributed quickly and efficiently to member food banks. Also provides liaison between the food banks and industry and government, and acts as the national voice of food banks in Canada. -
Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture - Non-profit, registered charitable organization which aids survivors to overcome the lasting effects of torture and war. -
Mouvement Action Contribuables / Taxpayer Action Movement - A non-profit organization for the promotion and defence of the rights of Quebecers and Canadians vis-à-vis government taxation authorities. [French/English] -
The Polaris Institute - Engaged in retooling citizen movements for democratic social change in an age of corporate-driven globalization. Features articles and news about ongoing issues and projects. -
Canada Family Action Coalition (CFAC) - A citizens action organization that provides strategies, networking, training and tools to enable ordinary Canadians to influence their government to restore Judeo-Christian moral principles. -
Canadian Network on Cuba - An umbrella network of Canada-Cuba friendship and solidarity groups. Provides information about Cuba's economic, health and political issues, photos and travel tips. - - Lists user-submitted prices for gasoline, diesel, and propane at numerous locations in Canada the USA and elsewhere. -