Roman Britain - Enthusiast Kevan White presents clickable maps, leading to data on each site. He also gives information on the period, the British tribes, and references. -
The Roman Army in Britain - A web site dealing with the Roman military occupation of Britain; specifically the army, navy, fortifications, a military bibliography, and information about the project to discover what is presumed the first military frontier in Britain on the Gask ridge -
Romans in Sussex - Sussex Archaeological Society provides an educational resource for teachers and students with sections for different age groups: 7-11, 12-16 and adult. -
Caerleon's Roman Legion - Find out about the Roman army that was housed at Caerleon, a Roman legionary fortress in Britain. -
The Roman Map of Britain - Thomas Ikins explains his interpretation of the contemporary documentary sources for the geography of Roman Britain, with bibliography and maps. -
The Romans in Britain - 100BC to 450AD - History of the period, with insights into Roman life, the military and how the Romans changed Britain. Includes British tribes, maps, Roman architecture and innovations. -