Legio VI Victrix (The Antonine Guard) - Re-enactment group concentrating on the period of Roman occupation of Scotland in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE. Activities, photographs, group origins, and links. - http://www.theantonineguard.org.uk/
Legio X Fretensis (Cohort IV) - California-based group re-enacting a first century (C.E.) legion. History of original Tenth, and information on the Roman army: tactics, uniform and armour. - http://home.surewest.net/fifi/index9.htm
Legio VIII Augusta MGV - Enthusiasts from Wales and the North of England who aim to authentically depict the civilian and military society of Roman Britain during the late 1st and early 2nd century A.D. Activities. - http://www.roman.org.uk/
Legio XXII Primagenia - A Cincinnati, Ohio-based group re-enacting second century (C.E.) Roman legions stationed in Germany. Bibliography and contact information. - http://www.reenactor.net/units/legioxxii/
Legio XIIII - Hertfordshire, England-based group re-enacting Greek hoplites, Briton warriors and Roman legionaries. Photos of group re-enacting, background information on periods re-enacted. - http://www.legion-fourteen.com/romans.htm
Legio II Adiutrix (Familia Gladiatoria) - Hungarian group re-enacting Roman era as legionaries and gladiators. Photos of re-enactments, schedule of performances. - http://www.gladiator.at/
Legion XXIV Media Atlantia - Pennsylvania-based group re-enacting a Roman Legion. Equipment standards, schedule of events, photos of re-enactments, background information on Rome. - http://www.legionxxiv.org/
Legio XX - Ancient Roman army and civilian life in the Britain in the First Century is reenacted for public events and educational outreach. Based in Washington, DC; general and contact information. - http://www.larp.com/legioxx/
Legio XV Apollinaris - Norwegian group re-enacting a latter-first century (C.E.) Roman legion. History of the group, photos of re-enactments, equipment list. Drill and regulations in Norwegian only. - http://legxv.uio.no/
Legio XIIII Gemina Martia Victrix (Roman Military Research Society) - Display unit: Vexillatio Legionis Geminae, based at Coventry, specializing in recreating Roman life during the latter part of the 1st century AD. Presents civilian and military living history displays throughout Britain. Activities. - http://www.romanarmy.net/
Legio VI Victrix (Gryphon Foundation) - A Los Angeles, California-based group re-enacting military and civilian life in second century (C.E.) border town. Contact information, links. - http://home.earthlink.net/~caiusman/wsn3B58.html
Legio II Augusta - Reenactment society based in Portsmouth, Hampshire recreates Roman Britain in its military and civilian aspects during the First and Second Centuries. Unit history, events schedule, contact information. - http://www.legiiavg.org.uk/
Cives Ravraci et Vicani Vindonissenses - A Basel, Switzerland-based group re-enacting second-century (C.E.) civilian life in the Roman city of Augusta Rauraci and legionary life in the nearby legionary camp of Vindonissa. Photos of re-enactments, schedule of events, filmography of movies set in - http://www.datacomm.ch/olhaenzi/roemer1.html