The History Re-enactment Workshop - An English group re-enacting English daily life in the late 16th or late 17th centuries as part of house museum presentations. Description of group, catalogue and photographs of past re-enactments, contact information for prospective members or patrons. -
Hands On The Past - Offer living history presentations from Anglo-Saxon to Home Guard. Profile, portfolio, gallery of photographs, forthcoming events, - - A resource for British re-enactors. Includes information on history, costumes and music, events listings, forums and free webspace for re-anactors. -
Historic Highlanders - Scottish cultural and educational organization which preserves authentic Scottish heritage, recreating everyday life of Highland society from 1314 to 1746, the battles of Bannockburn and Culloden respectively. Newsletter, events schedule, photos. -
Netherlands Platform for Living History - Dutch re-enactment groups; contact information about each member-group; pictures of multi-period events. -
Vereniging Militaire - Dutch Re-enactment society; has several workgroups and periods of re-enacting. -
The Irish History Company - A community development group specializing in historical reenactment, period reconstruction, and the manufacture of period clothing and artifacts for living history, museums, film and TV. (County Sligo, Ireland) -
Lothene Experimental Archaeology - Group recreates daily life in Scotland during the Eleventh through Eighteenth Centuries; event calendar, bibliography, weapons training, medieval crafts, image gallery, based in Edinburgh, Scotland. -
Far Isles Medieval Society - Historical reenactment society is based in the UK and covers 500 to 1600 AD, Dark Ages to shortly before the English Civil War. Membership information and newsletter. -
Historical Impressions Group of Munich - A Munich Germany group re-enacting Celts, the Middle Ages, the Napoleonic wars and the American Civil War. Descriptions of units/periods re-enacted, photo-gallery and link list -
Skirmishers - California-based theatrical combat performance group, specializing in Thirteenth through Nineteenth Fight Choreography for events, television, and films. -
Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts - Organization formalizes European medieval martial arts to establish the Medieval Period art of combat as a Twenty-First Century martial arts alternative. Training and tournament rules, events calendar, member information, news and references. -
St. Elizabeth's Guild - Not for profit corporation of a hundred performers recreates the reign of Queen Elizabeth the First, using trained actors, authentically recreated costumes and props, and improvisational theatre. Membership information, newsletter, photos, events schedule -
Territorial Border Guard - Scottish historical group based in Iowa, United States. Clan officers, photo album from past events, events schedule, and links. -