King's German Legion (UK) - South England-based group re-enacting Hanoverian exiles in the service of the British Kings German Legion during the Peninsular War period (1800-15). Description of historical and re-enactor unit, photographs of activities, contact information. -
21ème Règiment d'Infanterie de Ligne - French infantry regiment mainly formed by reenactors from France, Flanders, Holland and the UK. Contains membership details, regimental history, a schedule, and a photo gallery. -
IX Regiment of Foot - Portrays the British forces in North America. Includes information about companies, photographs, a schedule, FAQs, and a brief history. Located in eastern Connecticut. -
Dijon Napoleonic Marching Band (Musique de la Garde Impériale de Dijon) - A Dijon, France-based group re-enacting a marching band of Napoleon's Imperial Guard. Description of group, photographs of re-enactments, songlist for group's CD. -
K.K.L.J.R. n° 44 /K.K. Pionierbataillone n° 1 - Italian group re-enacting infantry and sapper units of the Austrian-held territories in Northern Italy. Description of historical units, photographs of unit in action, calendar of future events. Some materials Italian only. -
The 2nd (Queen's) Regiment of Foot - Based in Surrey, UK. History of the regiment, recruitment, news and events and a photo gallery. -
7th Dutch Batallion Infanty of the Line (7e Bataljon Infanterie van Linie) - A Belgian group re-enacting South Netherlands infantry at the time of the Battle of Waterloo. Description of group, e-mail contact information, schedule of events, photographs from past re-enactments. Some materials Dutch only. -
FORUM ASPERN 1809 - Austrian reenactment society based in Vienna. Text in English and German. -
Oester Riisoer III - A Risor, Norway based group which maintains and sails a reconstructed Danish-Norwegian gunboat of the type which was the mainstay of the Danish-Norwegian Navy after the destruction of their fleet at the Battle of Copenhagen. Historical background, descrip -
Connaught Rangers 88th Regiment of Foot (Devil's Own) - A Surrey UK-based group re-enacting this Irish regiment in Wellington's service during the Peninsular War. Historical background, calendar of events, membership, kit and contact information. -
Historical Maritime Society - Research and re-enactment group recreats the Royal Navy of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries; based in UK. Historical and contact information. -
The Black Watch Napoleonic Re-enactment Association - Official site of the 42nd Royal Highland Infantry (the Black Watch) Napoleonic re-enactors - UK. Foreign language versions available. -
King's German Legion @nline - History and living history of the Hanoverians in the King's German Legion. Text in English and German. -
The Napoleonic Association - Europe's largest association of Napoleonic living history groups. -