Sit Upon Seats - Woven seating specialists. History of cane and rush seating, DIY sales and online museum pages. -
Jenny Pierce Willow Basketmaker - English and Celtic style. Gallery of work and details of workshops in Herefordshire. -
The Working Woodlands Trust - Illustrates traditional English woodlands crafts, including the making of baskets, besoms, charcoal, and hurdle fences, and bodging. Also presents information about woods in Yorkshire and the Midlands, and lists events at fairs. -
Dane Coppice Crafts Group - Cheshire group holding workshops for willow basketry, willow sculpture and other related crafts. -
Clare Wilks - Artist who creates site-specific structures mainly in willow. Completed projects, design sketches and living pieces plus example prices and workshops. -
Roy Youdale Basketmaker - Offers a large selection of willow baskets. Includes gallery, background information and course details. Bristol. -
The Waveney Rush Industry - Hand-woven rush products made to order. Origins, products, shop and a download video showing how rush weave products are made. -
Lois Walpole - Designer and maker of functional objects and art works using the techniques and the forms traditionally associated with baskets. Biography, exhibitions, ethics and gallery. -
Crafts Mid Wales - Living willow sculpture, traditional handwoven willow baskets, rush hats and mats. Gallery of work and workshops. -
British Baskets - Baskets and hampers in English grown willow made to order by Derek Noble of Ormskirk. Products and a history of basketmaking. -
The New Elizabethans - Barbara Fitch, straw work. Examples of Swiss straw lace and corn dollies. Courses, book, designs, techniques. -
Robert H Towers Orkney Chairmaker - Traditional chairs with straw backs. Heritage, anatomy, photographs and ordering. -
Guild of Straw Craftsmen - Straw craft includes marquetry, Swiss straw work, models made of straw, lip work, tied straw figures, finials and plaited straw hats as well as corn dolies. Resources, news and where to see straw work -
Jonathan Gordon - Willow basket maker using traditional tools, materials and methods. Suffolk. -
Former Glory - Antique restoration services plus materials for DIY Includes brief descriptions of cane and rush seating methods with potted histories. Dorset. -
Lizzie Farey, Artist and Basketmaker - Artist in wood and weaver of willow. Sculpture, commissions, latest work, traditional work and advice on planting and coppicing. Scotland. -
Windrush Willow - Growers of over 100 different species of willow. Finished products, materials, and information on varieties, living willow, dead willow, structures and uses. -
The Cane Store - Supplier of raw materials, tools and instruction books. Order form and information for visitors. Lincolnshire. -
The Norfolk Basket Co - Adrian Charlton, a willow basketmaker offers courses and demonstrations as well as baskets made from his own willows. With photographs, prices and contact details. -
Laura Ellen Bacon - Contemporary forms in willow for interiors and the landscape by a Derbyshire artist. Artist's statement, gallery of work and exhibitions. -
Scottish Basketmakers - Arts organisation promoting the understanding and appreciation of weaving with wood and willow in Scotland. Galleries, courses, local groups and news. -
The Basketmakers Association - Promotes the knowledge of basketry, chairseating and allied crafts; their making, study, collecting, teaching and use. Events, sales, membership and gallery. -
The Worshipful Company of Basketmakers - Established in 1569 to control basketmaking in London, now supports charity and the craft of basketmaking. History, diary and events. -
Welsh Basket Makers Group - Background, membership information and details of courses held at the National Botanic Garden of Wales. -