Vrubel, Mikhail - Paintings and a detailed biography of Mikhail Vrubel. - http://www.phys.lsu.edu/students/alexey
Nikolai Rerikh, Artist and Thinker - Detailed biography of the artist by Lyubov Kuznetsova. - http://www.vor.ru/culture/cultarch90_eng.html#1
Khvostiuk Evgeniy - This site presents artworks of Evgeniy Khvostiuk. - http://elvart.com/about.php
Victor Bregeda - Metarealist painter from Taganrog, Russia. - http://www.bregeda.com/
Kudreavtcev, Anatoly - Russian art works and creative construction ideas of St.Petersburg artist including his letters about life in Russian village. - http://www.shanevo-art.narod.ru/english/derevny_engl.htm
Anna - Jewelry, watercolor painting, enamels by Anna Tereschenkova and Oleg Tikhomirov. - http://virtuals.atlant.ru/anna/main.htm
Emelyanov, Dmitry - Religious and other miniature sculpture made from different materials: rare wood, the Mastodon tusk, ceramic, metal. - http://dinu31.chat.ru/eng/index.htm
Arkhipov, Anton - Figurative paintings by a Russian-born artist. - http://www.aarkstudio.com/
Komarov, Vitali - Oils by a contemporary Russian painter. - http://www.komarovart.com/index.htm
Kazanskaya, Maria - Image gallery of artist's works and a biography. - http://www.kazanskaya.com
Portyanoy, Vladimir - Oils and graphics by a modern Russian painter. - http://www.aha.ru/~portyan/