Honmon Butsuryu Shu - Official home of the Honmon Butsuryu Shu in Japan. Features general background information about the organization, contact information, and other resources, along with some general Buddhist history. - http://www.honmon-butsuryushu.or.jp/
Nichiren Shoshu - Features ongoing activities, temple locations, and material for experienced practitioners and newcomers. - http://www.nichirenshoshu.or.jp/
Soka Gakkai International (SGI) - Organization's main site, featuring the SGI Quarterly magazine, news releases, history, and other study and religious materials for both newcomers and practitioners. - http://sgi.org/
Victims of Soka Gakkai Association - Alleges "Human rights violations of the Soka Gakkai" along with other incident coverage. - http://www.toride.org/eindex.html
Japan Fears Another Religious Sect - San Francisco Chronicle article critical of the perceived political influence that the Soka Gakkai exerts in the Japanese government. - http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/1995/12/27/MN62956.DTL
Taking a Path to Peace - Nichidatsu Fujii and the continuing work of his Buddhist order in building peace pagodas, walking for peace, and working for peace and justice through their spiritual practice. - http://www.dharmawalk.org/
Niwano Peace Foundation - Promotes research and other activities serving the cause of peace. Describes grants and peace prize and announces recipients. - http://www.npf.or.jp/
Jyunrei - Details interfaith walks for peace with this Buddhist group. - http://www.jyunrei.net/
Images of Taisekiji - Commemorating 750 years by presenting historical and modern pictures of Head Temple Taisekiji and surroundings in Fujinomiya City. - http://www.taisekiji.net/
Rissho Kosei-kai - Outlines basic beliefs, teachings, and practice and provides overviews of official publications and peace activities. - http://www.rk-world.org/
Kosei Publishing Co. - Promotes world peace through inter-religious dialogue by publishing books and magazines on Buddhist doctrine and practice, focusing on the Lotus Sutra. - http://www.kosei-shuppan.co.jp/english/
BPeoples-Japan - Prayer and praise network for Buddhists in Japan. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BPeoples-Japan/
Agon Shu Buddhist Association - Introduces Agon Buddhism. With a list of books, events, and social activities. - http://www.agon.org/us/index.html