Japan for the Uninvited - Comments on various news and stories in Japan from recent items to those several years old. - http://www.japanfortheuninvited.com/
Japundit - Blog about Japan by someone who isn't a Japanese native. - http://www.japundit.com/
Japan from Asahi to Zen - An A-Z of traditional terms, and a pop culture glossary, from an interested European's perspective. - http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~melmoth/japan/
Japanese Culture - Details Japanese weddings, kimono, koto, and festivals. - http://www.japaneselifestyle.com.au/culture/culture.html
Japan-101.com - Japan information specializing in travel, tourism and culture. Article categories also include business, language, history and art. - http://www.japan-101.com/
The Japan FAQ: Know Before You Go - A comprehensive site with detailed necessary information on visiting or relocating to Japan - visas, accommodations, transportation, survival, driving, banking, shopping, customs, tips, and links. - http://www.thejapanfaq.com/
Japan Review - In contrast to most western media, uses top rated Japan experts to review and critique English books about Japanese society, economy, politics, and culture. Also features news, author interviews, and essays. - http://www.japanreview.net/
The Japan Zone - Broad intro to old and new Japan; also has a good listing of Japanese companies. - http://www.japan-zone.com/
Tokyo English Information Source - English information on Japan, Tokyo restaurants and other useful things. - http://www2.gol.com/users/pbw/index.html
Japan Information Network - A fun approach to a guide. Lots of current information. - http://www.jinjapan.org/